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An astonishing 94% of all Americans - Internet users and non-users alike - have taken at least one step to respond personally to the assault on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.... posted on Jan 24 2002, 612 reads


As of 2002, January is designated as the National Mentoring Month. This is to create more awareness about the existing needs for mentors as well as to recognize current mentors.... posted on Jan 23 2002, 1,995 reads


Recognizing service as the great equalizer, King dedicated himself to bringing people from all walks of life together to address important community issues.... posted on Jan 22 2002, 453 reads


... posted on Jan 21 2002, 499 reads


... posted on Jan 20 2002, 529 reads


Independent Sector research showed that 89% of households give; their contribution average is $1,620/year. It also showed that 44 percent of adults are formal volunteers, who give more than 24 hours per month.... posted on Jan 19 2002, 497 reads


Instead of bar-hopping, there was a group that was interested in community service. So they started Single Volunteers, where singles organize volunteer activities and meet other singles with similar interests:... posted on Jan 18 2002, 524 reads


At 100 years of age, Harold Fisher is still going strong – in fact, he's continuing his work as an architect of churches, a profession that he still finds fun and stimulating after 85 years. ... posted on Jan 17 2002, 728 reads


According to the US Department of Agriculture, up to one-fifth of America's food goes to waste each year, with an estimated 130 pounds of food per person ending up in landfills. The annual value of this lost food is estimated at around $31 billion.... posted on Jan 16 2002, 369 reads


The United Nations Information Technology Service (UNITeS) is a new global volunteer initiative that sends volunteers to developing countries to teach about technology:... posted on Jan 15 2002, 617 reads


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